When I saw the title of this blog, I couldn’t help myself. Receive a free book on the Psalms in exchange for an honest review? Count me in!

Let me start by saying, I could hardly put this book down. Its simple and down to earth style makes it easy to read, while also helping to relate the scriptures to my own joys or struggles. If you love the Psalms, then this book is for you.

I’ve included my own review on Amazon below, as well as a synopsis of the book. Happy Reading!

The Honesty of the Psalms: Wrestling with the Word of God in a Broken World

In The Honesty of the Psalms the author invites readers to not only read each psalm but also to grasp the backstory, context, and meaning, allowing them to engage with the psalmist through understanding what he says and how he feels. Kelly shares his struggles with every psalm and invites people to grapple with their own struggles by responding to three questions that guide to deeper personal reflection. If we affirm and believe in a holy God who loves unholy people, then we also must affirm that the space we are in, and the feelings we have, can be laid upon God in whatever time and context we find ourselves—knowing that the God of redemption still redeems.

Amazon Customer Review

Full disclosure: I received this book in exchange for an honest review… and since I’ve always struggled with getting through the Psalms (due to sheer volume), I gladly accepted the offer to see if the great reviews I had read were accurate. From day one I was hooked. The author does a fantastic job of balancing truth, relatability, and application in each two-page entry in a way that encouraged me to look beyond the surface for myself and experience the scriptures in a deeper, more personal way. Instead of merely drudging through the Psalms to reach my reading quota for the day, I find myself looking forward to reading and discovering new nuggets of truth and encouragement. I’m excited to see how God’s love and faithfulness is so present throughout the book of Psalms (and the entire Bible, for that matter) in every situation, no matter how great or terrible. If you’re longing to draw closer to God and experience Him in a deeper way, then I would wholeheartedly encourage you to check out this book; not only as a companion to the Psalms, but also as a blueprint in learning to glean the scriptures for all God intended them to be.

If you’d like to learn more about this author and his book, please visit:
Blog: The Simple Preacher
Amazon: The Honesty of The Psalms
Amazon Author Page: Kelly Vander Woude